Friday Five

1. I have a confession: I really like reading research books. I like when I’m starting a new project and I’m still in the phase where I’m just bouncing the idea around in my head before actually writing. I go to the library and check out a bunch of books for research. I like learning new things and I’ve always been a history-geek. (As well as a book-geek, a science-geek, a Sims-geek…the geek list could go on and on.)

2. 25 years since the Challenger disaster. Wow. I was five years old at the time and only have faint memories of the day. But I clearly remember the morning of the Columbia disaster. I had just woken up and turned on the TV to see flaming debris streaking through the air on TV. I love space and astronomy and the idea of space travel, so the loss of life related to space travel makes me very sad. NASA has a great memorial about their Day of Remembrance over here.

3. I’ve been working on a new design of my website, with some new content, including a couple of trivia facts about Something to Blog About and Troy High. Maybe I should do a giveaway to celebrate the new look when it launches?

4. Hmm, apparently I don’t have a full five this week because that’s all I got.

Have a good weekend!