Cake Day

Cake Day

Yesterday was my 28th birthday. You know how when you’re a kid you think being in your twenties is SO grown up and you imagine you’ll feel so mature and confident about everything and know all the answers to any problem? I’m still waiting for that to kick in. I don’t really feel any older than the characters I write about in my books!

A few people have joked lately, “You’re turning 21, right?” And I laugh and say “I wish!” because I know that’s what they want to hear, but really, I don’t wish to be 21 again. I’m perfectly fine with turning 28, although I really don’t feel like I’ve always thought 28 would feel.

Anyway, yesterday was a pretty good day. I took the day off from work and slept in. The Husband bought a cheesecake for my birthday cake (actually he bought me TWO cheesecakes) and he bought me a new pair of shoes. New shoes make any day great. 😉 We went out to dinner last night at our favorite Italian restaurant, Ragazzi’s. There used to be a Ragazzi’s in our town and all of the towns surrounding us back when we were dating, but they all closed down over the years. Now the closest ones are just over an hour away. So we had planned to go to the one in Garner, since it was closest, but we missed our exit and were driving into Cary farther down the road before we realized it. Luckily, there is a Ragazzi’s in Cary, so we stopped there and ate then headed back home and this time we saw the exit we should have taken on the way there. Oh, well. At least we did manage to find a Ragazzi’s, even if it wasn’t the one we had planned to eat at.

(The balloon in the picture is what they gave me at the day job. We have a lunch every month for birthdays and work anniversaries and give out balloons to those who are celebrating. I got the “It’s Cake Day!” balloon.)


  1. Anonymous says:

    YAY for Ragazzi’s! And happy *belated* birthday! 🙂

    From Garner to Cary? Now that’s what I call a road trip in the vein of the Brescia’s. 🙂 We’re always lost.

    ~Leigh B.~

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