Last two weeks wrap-up

You know how when you go on vacation, you need a vacation from the vacation to catch up? That’s the state I’ve been in for the past week. I turned 33 on August 19th, and to celebrate, The Husband and I headed down to Florida to visit my parents.

This is where I spent most of my time while I was there:


Hanging out by the pool. That’s the life!

I had a great time, but I wish it could have lasted longer. While I was there, I also got to meet up with my friend, YA author Shel Delisle. We’ve emailed each other quite a bit, but this was the first time we’d gotten a chance to meet in person. I love meeting fellow writers because we can talk business and totally understand everything the other person has gone through or is going through. It’s awesome. I’m so glad Shel and I got a chance to meet, and hopefully it won’t be the last time we’ll get to hang out!

So this week, I’ve been trying to get back into my usual groove after vacation. I have something I’m working on and my deadline for this part of the project is September 2, so I really need to be focused!

Also, yesterday I got my dark brown hair dyed red:


What do you think? I’m really happy with it! It’s a nice change, though not too drastic. I come from a family of redheads–my mom is a natural redhead–and everyone at the salon said it looked natural and that I have the skintone for it.

Oh, I should find the pictures from when I bleached my hair blonde with Sun In back when I was eighteen. That was a big change!

Have a great Labor Day weekend to my friends in the U.S.! And to everyone else, have a great weekend too!