Spring Cleaning

You can tell what’s currently on my mind by what I’m pinning on Pinterest. In this case, I made a whole new board called “Decor Inspiration.”blank

It started a couple of weeks ago when we went over to visit our next door neighbor the day she came home from the hospital after having surgery. Our neighbors are an older couple and I’ve been in their house before. Each time, I’ve always been struck by how open and uncluttered their house feels. This time when I walked back into my own house after visiting the neighbors, I thought, “Why does my house feel so cluttered??”

Now I’m on a mission to rearrange and revive things around the house, getting rid of as much stuff as I can and opening up space. I think it’s the Spring Cleaning Bug. The days are getting sunny and warm (well, except today which is gray and rainy), and I feel the urge to let in sunlight on a nicely organized home.

While I’m cleaning the house out, I’m also finding things I forgot about that make me smile. Like this book I stole from my second grade teacher. I liked it so much I put it in my backpack one day when no one was looking and took it home.

Dolls of Other Lands

I rediscovered it while cleaning up one of my bookcases. It’s in pretty bad shape, but I still hang onto it!

I’m also talking about spring cleaning your old writing files over at The Writer’s Voice.