The Last Starfighter

MV5BMTk4NDY2NTA2MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjI2Mjg4._V1_SX214_The Husband and I kind of have this tradition where if we see a movie from our childhood on TV that the other one hasn’t seen, we have to watch it right then. Over the years, I introduced him to The Goonies, Labyrinth, and Willow and he’s introduced me to A Christmas Story and The Monster Squad.

This weekend, he made me watch The Last Starfighter.

It was made in 1984 and is about a teenage boy named Alex who beats this arcade game called The Last Starfighter. The game turns out to be a recruiting machine to find Starfighters to actually go into space and fight in a war against a group that plans to take over all the worlds within that area of space, which includes Earth.

It was definitely an 80s movie. I loved the boxy and retro outer space look of the flying car that takes Alex into space. And the inside of Alex’s warship definitely had an 80s outer space look to it. It was cheesy in parts, but not as bad as any other 80s movie. I personally love the cheese. 🙂

It was an entertaining movie and I recommend watching it if you’ve never seen it! I’m anxiously awaiting the day we find Flight of the Navigator on TV so I can make The Husband watch that. Although it seems that most people have no idea what I’m talking about when I mention Flight of the Navigator. Sigh.

What was your favorite 80s movie?

This entry was posted in TV.