Weekend wrap up & guest author

I spent all day Saturday running around like crazy. My dog Daisy woke me up at 6:30am with her coughing. She’s been coughing a lot lately and so I had to get up and take her to vet on Saturday anyway, but I had hoped to sleep a bit later since the vet’s office didn’t open until 8:00! Daisy’s on three different pills to try and treat her coughing, though the vet isn’t sure exactly what’s wrong. Kennel cough would have run its course and passed by now (and Daisy is a housedog who is never around other dogs, plus our other dog Chloe isn’t coughing at all). The vet thought maybe it was heartworms, but the test was negative. So all we know is she sounds like she has some fluid in her lungs, which is why she’s coughing, and moving around is what starts up her coughing fits. The medicine does seem to be helping, she’s not coughing as much as she was before going to the vet and she seems to be sleeping more peacefully.

The rest of the day I spent in the kitchen. I stopped by the farmer’s market after getting Daisy back home and bought some fresh produce. I love the farmer’s market this time year, when it’s filled with peaches and all different kinds of melons. Plus, my garden is overrun with cucumbers. So I had to can MORE pickles and relish and peaches and jellies, plus make bread and spaghetti sauce, and freeze beans, zucchini, and corn. (I now have 14 jars of pickles. Think that’s enough to last me until next summer? I really like pickles.) I was feeling all Laura Ingalls Wilder by the end of the day! Except that Laura Ingalls Wilder probably would have been used to doing all that and probably wouldn’t have complained about her feet hurting from standing so long. I’m not quite ready for life on the homestead just yet.

But we did go look at chicken coops yesterday. One step closer to our own little Norris farm. I keep telling The Husband that we’re already professional cucumber farmers. We can’t seem to do very well with most other plants (although the tomatoes are doing pretty well this year) but we can grow TONS of cucumbers without even trying hard.

Anyway, moving on from the Norris zoo and farm, I’m very excited to be a part of Danyelle Leafty’s blog tour for The Fairy Godmother Dilemma! She’ll be stopping by my blog on July 18 to talk a bit about her serialized book.

Danyelle Leafty writes MG and YA fantasy. In her spare time, she collects dragons, talking frogs, and fairy godmothers. She can be found discussing the art of turning one’s characters into various animals, painting with words, and the best ways to avoid getting eaten by dragons on her blog. Her serial novel THE FAIRY GODMOTHER DILEMMA can be found here. You can contact her here.

She’ll also be stopping by the blogs below starting today. So check out her blog tour and The Fairy Godmother Dilemma!

One comment

  1. Danyelle Leafty says:

    *hugs* I hope you’re able to get the root of the problem sorted soon. And farmer’s market, yum! I’m getting hungry just hearing about the food. 😀

    And thanks for the shout out–very excited to have you as part of the tour. 😀

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