1. admin says:

    LOL, cats on catnip are hilarious to watch. One of my cats, Kit, gets really big eyes after she’s had catnip and looks around the house like she’s so lost and confused.

    I’m still planning on coming, unless something changes at the last minute! (My mother-in-law is very sick right now and we’re all on high-alert for any family emergency.) Being broke sucks. 🙁 I hope you can make it! I’ll have either my husband or my cousin in tow with me to keep me company during the drive there, lol.

    • boothyisawesome says:

      I should record my cats on catnip sometime and post it on Youtube. Since we have so many, it’s even more fun.

      As for the signing, I’ll have either blogger friends in tow or a cute guy I’m starting to see and they’d be taking care of the gas which I’d be paying them back for when I could. I’m really excited for this signing and can’t wait to go!

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