Friday Four

1. I love it when a very vague story idea that’s been bouncing around in my head for a few weeks starts actually taking shape and I’m able to begin the writing part of the story development. My writing process is very unorganized and messy, and I don’t really know what a story will be about until I write it. But I’ve had these two characters in my head and have been trying to sort out their story in my head for a while now, so I’m happy that I’m finally writing real words!

2. I decided to dance for my workout this morning with Just Dance for the Wii. The Husband had fun laughing at me, but it is a great way to change up my routine with something different.

3. The song I always score the highest points on with Just Dance? “Step by Step” by New Kids on the Block. I’m sure this is because I used to dance around to that song ALL the time as a kid.

But my moves are nowhere near as awesome as theirs. I need a motorcycle and a random staircase to compete with them.

4. Last night I was reorganizing one of my bookcases (again) when a shelf just fell apart and dumped books all over the floor. A sign I have too many books? Hmm…don’t think so.

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