Friday Five

1. I’m SO over winter. I never like winter much anyway (I’m a summer baby. Leos need sunshine to thrive!) but this year has really pushed me past my limit. Snow, cold, snow, icy wind, COLD. Not even the fact that I get to wear my boots makes it better (and I really, really, really love boots).

2. Speaking of leos, there was this big deal going on last week about the zodiac signs not being right and an article that listed the “real” signs. (Although I did discover that this isn’t new information. Check out this article from 2007 on the exact same topic.) I heard a lot of people complain about their new sign and how it doesn’t fit them. I almost panicked. Would I have a new sign too?

But whew. Even with the “correct” signs, my birthday still falls within the Leo category. Which is good. Because if I wasn’t a leo anymore, that would mean all those years I spent between the ages of 11 and 16 reading my horoscope in Teen and Seventeen would have been for nothing. But thankfully, identity crisis averted.

3. The Husband and I discovered the other night that if you make two big pans of blueberry delight (only the most awesome blueberry dessert ever) for your church dinner, you’ll have leftovers to bring home. Which means you can then split half a pan into two big bowls and eat it all yourselves when you get back home. YUM.

4. Also, if you split half a pan of blueberry delight into two big bowls and eat it all when you get home, your pants will feel a bit tighter the next day. Need to run a little longer on the treadmill.

5. You know how a certain song can remind you of an event or a person or a time in your life? Certain songs create stories in my head. I’m currently obsessed with this song:

It’s inspired the latest idea that’s bouncing around in my brain right now.

Have a great weekend!

P.S. – We’ve had some devastating family news this week. I don’t want to talk about it too much because it’s not my news to share, but could you send good thoughts, prayers, hugs? <3


  1. Anonymous says:

    Troy High

    Hi! I just finished reading Troy High, and now i wish you wrote more!!!!! Oh my gosh, you have to write another one!!!

    p.s. I love the ending! 🙂

    your biggest fan

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