Ghost stories

Even though I KNOW shows about hauntings freak me out, I’ll still watch them. And then I’ll be freaked out for the next few weeks. I knew better than to watch two episodes of Ghost Hunters last night, but I did anyway. So then I had to wake up The Husband and make him go outside with me to take the dogs out because no way was I going into the dark by myself. The two dogs were no comfort–they get scared at any little noise.

I actually love ghost stories, but then I can’t stop thinking about them for weeks afterward. The thing is, I lived with a ghost for years in our old house (which my grandparents now live in–my grandma and cousin just last month saw the ghost for the very first time) and that particular ghost doesn’t freak me out. But ghosts in other places do.

I just need someone to take control of the TV and not let me watch any ghost stories ever, no matter how fascinated I am with them.

One comment

  1. 37piecesflair says:

    My mom just found out my aunt got her a trip to the famous haunted Waverly Sanatorium in October. I’m SO jealous. You know that’s going to be amazing.

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