Heads up

I’ll post again about this on Tuesday, but this is just a heads up in advance to let you know that next week the ladies over at Author2Author will be giving away some great YA books. On Tuesday, my friend and critique partner Emily will be hosting an interview with me and will be giving away a copy of Something to Blog About. So if you haven’t gotten a copy yet and want a chance to win, keep an eye out. Also be sure to check out the other books they’ll be giving away all week. You can visit their blog to find out more information.

I finally got to see my book in a store today. My local independent bookstore got their copies in this week and have it sitting face out on the shelf! I didn’t have my camera with me though. I could have taken a (grainy) picture with my camera phone, except that it’s a small store and everyone could see what I was doing and so I was too embarrassed to take a picture. But I will get one eventually for my scrapbook!


  1. elmarshall says:

    Yay, I’m excited to see your answers, too. And Shana, I haven’t seen your book on shelves either, which is too bad, since I have my camera waiting and ready. But I did get my copy from B&N tonight from me ordering it. It’s so cute in person!!!

    • admin says:

      I should have the answers back to you later today so you’ll have plenty of time to read over it and format it however you need! 🙂

  2. gracefulshrimp says:

    i am assuming that you told them who you are and signed the copies there right? we love it when authors come in and stop by and sign copies.

    so i am still up for a february interview, but i have no idea the Q’s to ask… any ideas?

    in my store it goes your book, meg cabot’s allie finkel and then ann hood’s new ya. so it is a line of kids pink novels 🙂

    • admin says:

      They know who I am, I introduced myself to them in January. We’re trying to set up a booksigning now, so that was the other part of the reason that I stopped in to look at my book. 😀

      Hmm…I have a few other questions from other people for upcoming interviews and they all seem to ask a mix of writing related and just for fun questions. So if you want, you could do something like that too. Like “What do you like best about each of the main characters?” or any questions related to the actual story. And then just for fun stuff…um, I’m having a hard time thinking of questions too!

      My cousin was showing her fiancee my book and he goes, “I can’t read this.” She asked why. He said, “Because it’s PINK!” lol

      • gracefulshrimp says:

        yeah its pink, BUT HER HAIR IS ON FIRE. that has to count for something

        okay, i will make up a list of q’s and when we are done we can plan a “date for the interview” hehe :p

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