DVD frenzy at the library

I know I’ve mentioned before how much I love when my local library has a book sale, but I really do. I’m dorky enough to set my alarm to make sure I’m up early to be there when they open the doors.

I didn’t get any books this time though. They just recently remodeled half of the library (the other half is still under construction) and for some odd reason, they didn’t create a big enough room to hold these sales in. I could barely get to the DVD table and couldn’t get to the books at all. But I did manage to get these movies:

-Brokeback Mountain (I was excited to see this on the table since I’ve been wanting to see it!)
-White Chicks
-Spider-man 2
-13 Going on 30
-Blue Collar Comedy Tour Rides Again (this is for The Husband, he loves these guys)
-I, Robot
-Little Miss Sunshine

There were others I glimpsed that I thought about grabbing too, but someone bumped hard into me and almost pushed me across the table so I figured it was time to get out of there!

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