Shana the Astrologist

I mentioned on Twitter the other day that I used to write a horoscopes column for my high school newspaper. I was going through some boxes in a closet and found some old copies of the Trojan Times. (Yes, I was a Trojan once, just like Cassie! But my school wasn’t Troy High.)

I had fun reading some of the horoscopes I wrote back then and decided to share one of the columns with all of you.


Clearly, I should add professional astrologer to my resume. That’s always a good back up plan if my writing career bombs!

I did write other things–this issue in particular has my long article about the school’s blood drive. But I always liked writing the horoscopes the best because it let me be creative and make up stuff. People tend to frown on you making up things in non-fiction articles.

This entry was posted in Stuff.