Get set…

First, I want to say a big THANK YOU!! to everyone who has read The Boyfriend Thief. I really didn’t know what to expect when I decided to release it as an ebook and I was happy when I sold fifty copies. It’s now far, far exceeded my hopes for it, and that is thanks to all of you! Thank you to everyone who has left reviews and told friends about it.

I’m getting ready to start sharing some information about my next ebook here on my blog within the next couple of weeks. I’ve finally set a release date:

November 15, 2011!

I wanted something near Thanksgiving (in the US), but not the same week as Thanksgiving so that it wouldn’t get lost in the holiday schedules. Also I figured maybe if I release it the week before, all of you will have time to buy it for your holiday traveling? 😉

This book is something new and different for me–a YA paranormal. I wrote paranormals when I was a teen, in between My So-Called Life rip offs. Then in college I switched to literary fiction. After that, I switched to fantasy and that’s what I originally queried agents on. (For five years. No one was interested in my huge fantasy trilogy that still sits in my closet.) Eventually I gave up the fantasy, moved to realistic contemporary fiction and stayed mostly there. I’ve always liked reading paranormals, but I hadn’t written one in a long time because all of my ideas were for realistic fiction.

But then in early 2010, an idea hit me and stuck around in my head for a while, so I had to write it even though it wasn’t like the other things I was writing. I didn’t know where the story was going when I first wrote it, but I knew it would take place in one of my favorite places in the world, the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I gave my beta reader the first one hundred pages to get her opinion. She read them and then texted me, “I need the rest now!!” We talk about what we liked or didn’t like about different books often and though our opinions don’t always match, I trust that she wouldn’t spare my feelings if she didn’t like it. If you like the book next month when it’s released, you have her to thank because she was its first fan and has been hoping for its publication so I would then have an excuse to write the rest of the series.

So…next week I’ll began releasing details, including the title, the cover, the summary, and a first chapter sneak peek. Not all at once. Probably the title and the summary next week. And then the cover on another date. And the sneak peek a week or two before the release.

NaNoWriMo is coming up in November as well. I’m trying to decide which book to write because I have two in my head that both need to be written right away. Needless to say, November will be a very busy month! (Not that October will be any less busy….) If you’re doing NaNoWriMo this year, feel free to add me as a writing buddy! My username is shana (very creative, I know).

This entry was posted in Books.