Exciting news!

For the last month, I’ve been working overtime trying to get things organized for a special announcement. Thank you to everyone who has emailed me to let me know what you think of Troy High and Something to Blog About. You guys always ask when my next book is coming out and I’m excited to share this with you:

The Boyfriend Thief by Shana Norris, coming July 2011!

July 2011? Yes, that’s next month!

The book will be coming out in ebook format only next month. That means you’ll be able to read it on your Kindle, Nook, Sony eReader, phone, iPad, or computer. You don’t need an ereader to read an ebook. Amazon has Kindle software you can install on your computer, phone, or iPad to read Kindle ebooks. (The other ereaders may have software like that too, but I’m most familiar with the Kindle since I own one.)

Why ebook only? I still hope to have more books coming to bookstores near you in the future, but I wanted to release this book as an ebook to get it into your hands quicker. Otherwise, it may be years before you’d ever get to see it. 🙁 I’ve worked on this book for FOUR years now, rewriting and rewriting until I was happy with it. And now I’m excited about this book and eager for you all to read it so I want you to have it ASAP!

So what is The Boyfriend Thief about??

Avery James has her life planned out: this summer she’ll work with a humanitarian program in Costa Rica, next year she’ll graduate at the top of her class, and after that, college and medical school. Perfect, planned, total order.

The only problem: getting the rest of the money she needs for Costa Rica before the deadline. Then Hannah Cohen, her biggest competition for the valedictorian title, makes an unexpected offer. If Avery can win over Zac Greeley and make him break up with Hannah before the end of the school year, a check for five hundred dollars is all hers.

There has to be a catch, right? But faced with the prospect of spending yet another summer working as a giant hot dog, it’s an offer Avery can’t refuse.

Zac is nothing like Avery expected. Within his chaotic world of midnight slushie runs and spontaneous dance parties, Avery’s total order is quickly falling apart while Hannah seems poised to get everything she wants. Soon Avery must decide exactly how much she’s willing to give up for the perfect life.

Stay tuned for more about the book coming soon, including the cover and sneak peeks!


P.S. – And another small announcement for all of you who have asked for a sequel to Troy High…. I may be starting work on something involving Cassie, Greg, Elena, and the rest of the gang. More details about that will come later this year! 🙂

P.S. #2 – Also, if you’re a YA book blogger who reviews ebooks, email me and I may be able to hook you up with a review copy of The Boyfriend Thief.


    • Shana Norris says:

      Thank you! And I hope you’ll like it! *pre-book launch paranoia setting in* 😉

  1. KK says:

    I am looking forward to it!! Also I’m hoping the 2nd Troy high book will be finished soon so far Troy high is my favorite book

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