It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a meme hosted by One Person’s Journey Through a World of Books.

I didn’t finish very many books this week compared to the last couple of weeks, but the two books I did read were a little longer.

What I finished up this past week:

Matched by Ally Condie
If you read any YA book blogs, this book has popped up everywhere lately. It’s dystopian, set in a world where The Society decides everything for you. The ending left me wanting the next book to be out already! I did see comparisons of this book to Lois Lowry’s The Giver, which I never read as a kid, so I’ve ordered a copy of it and will be reading it this year too.

Wish by Alexandra Bullen
Fun read about a girl who gets three dresses that grant her wishes. I loved Olivia and Violet together, and how Olivia grows throughout the book without realizing it.

What I’m reading now:

I’m STILL working through the audiobook of Beautiful Darkness! I’m almost done though. Should be done by the end of the week or early next week at the latest. Then I have to decide what audiobook to listen to next.

I’m reading Don’t Die, Dragonfly by Linda Joy Singleton on my Kindle, and the print version of Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti, which I am almost done with.

What I bought:

I did get some new books this week, all from thrift stores. I collect Sweet Valley (as well as Baby-Sitters Club–one day I should show my collection that fills two bookcases!) books and found some Sweet Valley Twins books that I didn’t have at the Salvation Army thrift store. I also found Art Geeks and Prom Queens by Alyson Noel, The Supernaturalist and Half-Moon Investigations both by Eoin Colfer, Fever 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson at Goodwill.

Also at Goodwill I found a copy of The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis, which was my main reason for hunting through the books at the thrift stores. I have never read the entire Chronicles of Narnia books and have decided that I’d like to this year. So I already had copies of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and Prince Caspian. I found The Last Battle at Goodwill, and then filled out the rest of the collection through online book swap sites. And there is a read-along for the Chronicles of Narnia if you want to read them too this year.

One comment

  1. Anonymous says:

    I agree completely! So much hard work goes into writing a novel (and I know it, lol!), and the authors aren’t even asking very much, in comparison. $10 or $15 – that’s nothing compared to a year or two of very hard work.

    Thanks for the link! Someone mentioned in the comments over there something that made me think – I wonder if YA authors have a harder time with piracy than authors who write for adults? I know adults steal as well, but it seems teenagers (in general), with their limited access to their own funds, and perhaps a lack of understanding of how the industry works, might be likely to steal more? I think it would be a good idea for school English teachers to bring up this topic in their classes. And music classes as well.

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