Friday Four

1. You know how at some restaurants they’ll give you those little candy coated chocolate mints when they bring the check? I LOVE when the waiter/waitress gives us a whole handful of those chocolate mints because The Husband doesn’t like them but I do, so he gives ALL of them to me. And I stuff them into my purse and eat them one at a time over the next few days. Mmm… Anyway, the point of this is: those new York Pieces candies that come in a silvery bag? They taste JUST like those restaurant chocolate mints. So now I keep a bag in my desk drawer and eat a handful whenever I want. Mmm. So good. Seriously, if you love those restaurant chocolate mints as much as I do, go out and grab a bag of York Pieces!

2. How awesome was the season finale of GLEE? I’m not the biggest Lady Gaga fan–although “Paparazzi” always gets stuck in my head–but I loved the Gaga episode. “I think he thinks vampires are real.” “What is your problem? It’s just a moist towelette!” “You look terrible. I look awesome.” “We live in Ohio, not New York…or some other city where people eat vegetables that aren’t fried.” (Substitute North Carolina for Ohio and it’s true too!) I need to remember to download the Glee “Bad Romance” version to my iPod because it was awesome. I loved Kurt’s dad calling Finn out for his language (and I just realized this week that his name is Burt–Kurt and Burt?), but I have to admit that every time Mike O’Malley is onscreen I keep thinking about the game show he used to host on Nikelodeon when I was in middle school, Guts.

3. Another show I watch had it’s finale this week too, 10 Things I Hate About You. Sadly, it was the SERIES finale as I just read a few days ago that the show has been canceled. 🙁 And it was canceled too soon to resolve the story lines, so now we’re left hanging. Which I really, really hate. It makes me feel cheated for spending so much time following the storylines and getting to the know the characters, only to have the story left unfinished. I think it should be a rule that if a network cancels a show, they HAVE to give the show enough time to write and produce a few more episodes just to wrap up any loose ends and give the viewers a satisfying ending.

Sorry, Patrick, but it looks like even your vote couldn’t save it for us! 🙁

4. It’s Friday right before a three day weekend, so that’s all I’ve got.



  1. marperez says:

    My Gleek is showing. Theatricality wasn’t the season finale. TWO more episodes to go. Funk and Journey, they’re called, I believe.


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