Who says pineapples don’t grow in North Carolina?

Back in late April, we bought a pineapple from the grocery store and had fresh yummy pineapple. Then we planted the top to try to grow our own. My parents had done it before, but they live in South Florida and have warm weather most of the year. Would a pineapple grow in North Carolina?

We followed the advice on this website. We had just about given up during the soaking in a glass of water stage because we hadn’t seen any signs that the pineapple top was sprouting roots. Then finally weeks later, there were little roots dangling in the water! We planted it in a small pot, then a month later replanted it in a bigger pot, and now four months after being planted…

Who says pineapples don't grow in North Carolina?

I think we’re going to need a bigger pot.

We’ll have to bring it inside when it starts getting cold, but the summer sun has made it grow a lot in just a few months. It takes two to three years for the plant to fruit though, so we still have a long way to go.

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