Blog Party Finale!

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by my blog party through July. And thank you all for helping me celebrate the launch of Troy High! I’d love to hear what you think of the book, so feel free to leave me comments or email me at

I’m officially ending my blog party today, but first I have three links to send your way!

First, Leigh Brescia, author of the wonderful One Wish and one of my guests at the blog party last month, interviewed me over at her blog. I talk a bit about why I wrote Troy High and whether reading it will help you pass your test on The Iliad.

Next, want a chance to win a copy of Troy High? Alana Joli Abbott is giving away an ARC (ARC = Advanced Reader Copy, the copies that are given out to book reviewers and book sellers. They are not available for sale and are printed in a limited quantity). Click over to her blog to find out how you can enter for a chance to win!

Third, here’s another review of Troy High over at Popin’s Lair!

So, let’s kick off the party finale! To lead the dance today, we have a special guest: My two-year-old niece Haley, who leads us in her favorite dance:

(When my family was last here, Haley was with me in my kitchen getting a snack while we waited for Caillou to come on TV. As soon as she heard the music start, she dropped everything and took off back to the living room. Don’t get between Haley and her dancing!)