Blog Party Day 29: Technical Difficulties!

Gah! Why do electronics insist on using those little things called batteries?? I had planned to record another sneak peek at Troy High tonight, but I came home only to discover that my camera’s battery was dead. And I have no spares. *sniffle sniffle*

I live at least 20 minutes outside of town so once I get home the last thing I want to do is drive all the way back into town just to find a store that sells the battery I need. So I’ll have to get a new battery tomorrow during lunch while I’m already in town for work and then do my recording tomorrow night instead.

In the meantime, you can enjoy this picture from another Troy:

If Hunter Prince (my version of Hector in Troy High) wasn’t only seventeen years old and therefore jailbait I would have totally imagined him looking like that.

Dance music for today (tonight): Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet. I can’t resist dancing whenever I listen to this song!


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