Family matters

This weekend was my great-grandma’s 91st birthday. Wow! It amazes me to think of all the changes in the world that she’s seen. We had a big, crowded, noisy extended family dinner to celebrate. My great-grandmother had eight kids (out of fourteen) that grew into adults and then my grandma had six kids of her own, so you can just imagine how many aunts and uncles and cousins there are when we all get together. I get my writing gene from my great-grandma. She writes poetry and stories and has written a memoir about her life.

And there are more family members coming all the time. I’ll soon be an aunt again! My sister is due with her second child on Valentine’s Day. I’ve known for about six weeks, but was waiting a while before I said anything. I’m a bit more cautious with announcements than the rest of my family is!