5 Random Things for Monday

I survived my battle with the plague (otherwise known as the flu). I only took the pills the doctor gave me for a day and a half because they made me feel ten times worse. One caused dizziness and the other caused drowsiness, and so I was completely out of it on Friday. I can’t even remember what really happened that day or what was just something I dreamed. This weekend I kept asking The Husband, “Did you tell me this on Friday?” or “Did I do this on Friday?” because I can’t trust my own memory of that day.

So once I was finally feeling better this weekend, I spent my time editing. Getting sick this past week pushed me behind in the schedule I had in my head of getting things done on book two. Thankfully, before I got sick I was done rewriting everything except the last chapter. So I got that last chapter done and then started editing–marking out chunks of text, reworking things, double checking research, trying to plot out all of the events on a calendar so I can make sure my passage of time makes sense.

nancy-v tagged me for a 5 random things about me meme last week, but I’m just now able to post my random things.

  1. I don’t like musicals. Or any kind of singing during shows or movies.
  2. The fieries in the movie Labyrinth still freak me out when they take their heads off and so I have to fast-forward through that scene every time.
  3. I eat Skittles, M&Ms, and other multicolored candies in a certain order by color: the colors I like least first, saving the colors I like best for last.
  4. I don’t like seafood. At all.
  5. I still want to be an archaeologist when I grow up.


  1. Anonymous says:

    So glad you’re feeling better!

    Love the meme! I only eat red and purple skittles. In fact, I rarely eat anything lemon, lime, or orange-flavored.

    And yeah, those little red guys are pretty freaky!


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